April 11, 2015 8:00 pm

Oblivia_Museum of Postmodern Art 1_foto_Eija Mäkivuoti - CopyPhoto: Eija Mäkivuoti

The international performance group Oblivia set itself a megalomanic task: to do something that is new. Elegantly and only seemingly disoriented they wander about our known world as if through a dark theatre. They’re not afraid to fall through the trap doors of evolution or look behind the scene of cultural history. They dissect emotional and intellectual concepts alike and dig deep to the roots of language itself. What they finally pull on the big stage and send marching down towards their audience is at the same time absurd, monstrous and yes, totally new. Humour has a new name, performance a new language, the future a new face: this is Oblivia, profoundly philosophical, highly intelligent and seriously funny.

Devising, performing: Timo Fredriksson, Anna Krzystek, Annika Tudeer
Sound design: Juuso Voltti
Light design: Meri Ekola
Production manager: Marina Andersson-Rahikka
Production: Oblivia
Co-production: PACT Zollverein, Espoo City Theatre, TEKIJÄ (Theatre Touring Network project)

The performance is the first in the series Museum of Postmodern Art – MOPMA.