March 27, 2015 8:00 pm March 28, 2015 8:00 pm March 29, 2015 8:00 pm

Photo: Urška Boljkovac

What has by now become a distinctive creative posture of the Beton Ltd. collective – namely, its ability to provide the immediately responsive and comprehensively communicational comments on the time and the world we live in – once again becomes embodied in the project Everything we’ve lost while we’ve gone on living, where the image of the current present time is placed right next to the past. It is, of course, not only sweet nostalgia that becomes evoked as the history is thus brought back to life, but also the individual anguish, emanating from the polar opposite between what was before and what is today. (Zala Dobovšek, Delo, 28. 9. 2013)

The performance emanates from the absurd as developed by Eugene Ionesco, in his work The Killer, whereas the performers guide us through three different periods in time: the years of their birth (1976 and 1977), the coming of age period that comes to a closure with a rite of passage (1995 /1996) and the present time.

»Primož Bezjak, Branko Jordan and Katarina Stegnar /…/ point at the ambiguous nature of spectacle, including the theatre spectacle, where they are themselves active protagonists. While we’re asking ourselves together with them, what we should have done to feel better in our own shoes but we haven’t, we return to reality; we actually sink completely into it, because they fictively, virtually and imaginary, surrounding us in the form of mediatised images, successfully crush the stage as grotesque as they can.« (Nenad Jelesijević, Radio Študent, 22. 11. 2013)

Concept and direction: Beton Ltd.
Music: Dead Tongues (Janez Weiss, Jure Vlahovič)
Set and lighting design: son:DA
Dramaturgy: Andreja Kopač
Costume design: Mateja Benedetti
Sound design: Jure Vlahovič
Make-up design: Luka Luka
Off voice: Taja Zuccato
Technical coordinator: Andrej Petrovčič
Wardrobe: Nataša Recer
Costumes sown by: Slavica Šubašič, Irena Tomažin, Marija Špeh
Head of project from APT: Andrej Berger
Producer at Bunker: Maja Vižin
Production: Anton Podbevšek Teater, Novo mesto
Co-production: Bunker, Ljubljana
The performance was made possible by: Ministrstvo za kulturo, Mestna občina Novo mesto, Mestna občina Ljubljana
KRKA, d. d., Novo mesto – general sponsor
Telekom Slovenije, d. d. – donator
Steklarna Rogaška – sponsor

Ticket price: 10€ / 7 € (students, pensioners)