April 2, 2015 7:00 pm April 3, 2015 7:00 pm

Delo iz ljubezni 2 - CopyPhoto: Miha Fras

Similar as in her earlier works, Teja Reba is continuously intrigued by the relationships between physical, emotional and political acts.These acts are always walking the line – between aesthetics and ideology, between references (repetition) and new possibilities (difference), between the sublime and the object, between sex and sexuality, between everyday life and art, between courage and vulnerability.

In Made with Love, Reba draws from her personal experience of near death in childbirth, from the labour as an extreme mental and physical condition and from the sudden death of her mother.These juxtaposed experiences are framed by the reflection about giving life, about love and work (both visible and invisible), that are the core of (pro)creative processes.

Author and choreographer: Teja Reba
Performers: Teja Reba, Loup Abramovici
Dramaturge: Suzana Koncut
Sound design and original music: Eduardo Raon
Space and light design: Meta Grgurevič, Jaša
Light design and technical supervision: Igor Remeta
Professional advisor: Barbara Kapelj Osredkar
Executive producer: Tina Dobnik
Production: Maska
Supported by: Ministry of Culture, Ljubljana City Municipality
Thanks to: Janez Per and Količevo Karton Proizvodnja kartona d. o. o., Janez Janša, Barbara Rajgelj, Maja and Jerneja Šorli, Sarah Lunaček, Ava and Bela Reba Abramovici, Simona Semenič, Petra Slatinšek, Tina Potokar Drobež and all who helped with the realisation of the project in any way.