Ivo Dimchev: Som Faves (BOL)


Thursday 17th June 2010 at 21:00
Stara mestna elektrarna – Elektro Ljubljana

There is a list of 100 topics (subjects, objects or people) Dimchev feels related to in this or another way. The performance is based on some favourite ones from The List. In space, white as a museum, armed with a wig and keyboard, Dimchev presents us with a seemingly incoherent collection of topics, which nevertheless gradually build up an intimate portrait and a tragic-comic demonstration of various different ways of dealing with form and content within the context of contemporary dance / theatre.

Concept, text, music and performance: Ivo Dimchev
Coproduction: TANZ IM AUGUST, DasArts (Amsterdam), European Cultural Capital Linz 09, O is not company , Royal Conservatoire/Artesis University College (Antwerpen), O Espaço do Tempo (Montemor-o-Novo, Portugalska)

Price: 7/ 10 eur
Festival pass: 32 eur
Tickets: One hour before performance at the given location.
Information & rezervation: +386 (0) 31 554 870