Wanda & Nova deViator: ARP 339

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January 22, 2015 8:00 pm January 23, 2015 8:00 pm

wndw_arp339 - CopyPhoto: Luka Prinčič

Music-dance performance ARP 339 is a sonogram of cyberfuturistic potentiality. Instead of being caught in a concert format, though reminiscent of it, ARP 339 springs from all directions at once. The performance is an attempt at constructing a utopian world that explores the decomposition of spatial limitations of the three-dimensional reality, introducing into it the elements of time and mental leaps. It raises epistemological questions that consider the way the world and society are perceived not through rational analysis, but through the register of emotions and corporeal impulses. Through emotional and corporeal understanding, ARP 339 addresses also political questions, not in the relations of dimensions that are known and normative on this planet, but in relation to the universe and potentiality. Whereas the abbreviation ARP (Atlas of Peculiar Galaxies) designates 338 galaxies, totally unique and spiral in form, ARP 339 is a yet undiscovered galaxy that proposes a different world, one in which it is possible to think about the undiscovered dimensions and nonnormative forms, wrapped up in a sonic vortex.

The upcoming album by Wanda & Nova deViator is a continuation of the duo’s highly praised debut Pacification (Kamizdat, 2013). It takes us from progressive rhythms to a new sonic spectrum full of deep bass lines, repetitions, melodic vocals, broken rhythms, and texts, intensified by literary references William Gibson, cult science fiction writer, and Ursula K. Le Guin, the author of the novel The Dispossessed. A sonogram of potentiality ARP 339, accompanying the concert performance of the same title, is charged with sensual and emotional passion.

Concept and directing: Maja Delak, Luka Prinčič
Music: Wanda & Nova deViator
Performers: Loup Abramovici, Matija Ferlin, Tina Valentan, Urška Vohar, Nataša Živković
Scene concept: Maja Smrekar
Video: Davor Sanvincenti
Costumes: Urška Recer
Make-up: Tinka Prpar, Dominika Monte
Light design: Urška Vohar
Tehnical co-ordinator: Igor Remeta
Graphic design: Andro Giunio
Copywrite: Ida Hiršenfelder, Daniel Sheppard
Audio, mastering and mixing: Igor Vuk
Production: Emanat, for Emanat: WNDV, Dare Pejić, Nina Janež
In collaboration with: Bunker Ljubljana
Partners: Pre-School Education and Grammar School Ljubljana, Radio Študent, Klub Gromka, Channel Zero
Financial support: Ministry of Culture, Ljubljana City Municipality

January 22, Opening act: Lifecutter

Lifecutter creates music with different guitar effects and sound synthesizers. His background is rooted in noise and derives from different derivations of electronic music, especially from technoesque flavor. It moves between analogue and digital boundaries and creates dark atmosphere with industrial inputs or it sneaks out to the dance floor and takes the unforeseen paths. It can be minimalist, trapped in snares or it sometimes neglects classical rhythms and is pulsating in oscillations.

January 23, Opening act: NinaBelle & Nina Hudej

Nina Hudej, producer, DJ and music programme co-creator in Ljubljana clubs, has regularly published abroad and is involved in international cooperation. She is intesively involved in exploring different sound forms and structures of electronic music. Nina Belle is an academic flutist, vocalist, lyrics and music writer. She writes poetry, teaches flute and is music selector for literature shows at Radio Slovenija and co-programmer at Pritličje. As a DJ in underground clubs she mostly plays hard techno derivations. NinaBelle & Nina Hudej will present their common project of experimental, multifaceted live electronic music.

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