Loup Abramovici, Bara Kolenc, Teja Reba : TODAY IS TOMORROW’S YESTERDAY

January 27, 2015 8:00 pm

Bara Kolenc, Teja Reba, Loup Abramovici: DANES JE JUTRI¦NJI V?ERAJ; Exodos 2014Photo: Nada Žgank

Evening of two duets, thematically related in their contemplation on time, desire, ideal, love, loss and death.


This no-place is marked by inherent impossibility, but it nevertheless exists as an entity of desires, as the original human phantasm, stretching out into two directions – it is individual’s founding act, the neuralgic junction of performances propelling personality constructs, and it also stands for individual’s projection into the future, an ideal that this individual strives for. It is because of this no-place that life is never what it chooses to be, but at the same time allows it to be exactly what it is. As such, this place is inherently utopian by nature.

Performers: Loup Abramovici, Teja Reba
Direction and choreography: Loup Abramovici, Bara Kolenc, Teja Reba
Concept: Bara Kolenc
Music and sound design: Mitja Cerkvenik
Lighting and set design: Urška Vohar
Costume design: Urška Recer
Graphic design: Atej Tutta
Stage technician: Borut Cajnko
Video: Borut Bučinel
Executive production: Bara Kolenc
Production: KUD Samosvoj
Co-production: Bunker Ljubljana, KUD Pozitiv, DIC, Maska
Supported by: Ministry of Culture


A night of crisis; the crisis may be personal and global at the same time. A man and a woman stage fragments that seem to emerge from their lives, their loves and their potential deaths. Role alternations underline the tension between subject and the object, between the imaginary and the real. It confronts emptiness, embodiment of moment’s hopelessness and the attempt to push off, to bounce off to the other side.

Performers: Loup Abramovici, Teja Reba
Direction and choreography: Loup Abramovici, Bara Kolenc, Teja Reba
Concept: Teja Reba
Music and sound design: Mitja Cerkvenik
Lighting and set design: Urška Vohar
Costume design: Urška Recer
Graphic design: Atej Tutta
Stage technician: Borut Cajnko
Video: Borut Bučinel
Executive production: Nataša Zavolovšek
Production: Exodos Ljubljana
Co-production: Bunker Ljubljana, KUD Pozitiv, DIC
Supported by: Ministry of Culture, Ljubljana City Municipality

The scenes and the texts are original creations of the artists. The performances are in English language.