Slovenian Percussion Project: OFFICE, premiere

November 11, 2014 8:00 pm

The percussion ensemble Slovenski tolkalni projekt (SToP), was founded in 1999. StoP is a unique ensemble composed entirely of academically educated musicians. The group members wanted to unite chamber music, exploitation of new instruments, music and sound, and, of course, a joy to have fun! In its short history SToP have had a lot of concerts all over Slovenia (about 30 per year) and the audience has always accepted them with open arms. They also played with the Slovenian Philharmonic Chamber Orchestra in Sombor (Croatia), the percussion group Bing Bang in Zagreb (Croatia) and Bjelovar (Croatia) and with the Slowind Wind Quintet in Ljubljana (Slovenia) and Opicina (Italy). This short but rich period brought creative cooperation with a lot of world’s famous percussionists and composers: Evelyn Glennie, Ney Rosauro, Igor Lešnik, Nebojša J. Živković, John Beck, Bernhard Wulff, Manfred Menke, Chou Weng Chung, Haruka Fujii and others… In 2002, StoP joined the Seoul Drum Festival (South Korea), and participated at the opening ceremony of the FIFA World Cup. In September 2006 they performed at the 8th Ribarroja del Turia Percussion Festival and Festival PerkuLiria in Spain in 2011, as well in Podgorica (Montenegro), Lithuania and in Český Krumlov (Czech Republic).

Performers: Davor Plamberger, Tomaž Lojen, Matevž Bajde, Franci Krevh
Direction: Andrej Jus
Choreography: Nataša Živković
Production: Društvo Slovenski tolkalni projekt
In cooperation with: Bunker, Ljubljana
Supported by: Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia, Ljubljana City Municipality