CirkoBalkana: OLDNESS

November 4, 2014 6:00 pm

Alone, in a world of her own – a world of memories, a world of craziness, hallucinations and an occasional welcomed or unwelcomed visitor – the old lady relives her youth, the happy moments together with the great tragedies of her life. Six circus artist will be portraying the vision of how she faces those memories in their new piece named Oldness. Elements of contemoprary circus techniques (air-acrobatics, object manipulation, magic…) as well as props which have a primary use in the play, are what lure us deeper and deeper into her world. This includes everyday objects, things we take for granted that one day just might awaken memories we have been running from. Or they may even get us to relive the most emotional moments of our lives.

Created and performed by: Arnaud Essertel, Domagoj Šoić, Jadranka Žinić Mijatović, Marie Mercadal, Milan Manić
Light design and sound: Julie Lesas
Outside eye: Ivana Koraksić, Nikola Mijatović
Stage design: Hristina Šormaz
Costume design: H & Z
Co-production: Cirkorama (HR), Cirkusfera (SR), Le Cirk’Oblique (FF)
Supported by: French Institute in Belgrade through the project Teatroskop

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