June 5, 2010 8:00 pm June 6, 2010 8:00 pm

The performace is cancelled.


»THE END is a performance drawing its inspiration from Artaud’s radio play entitled Pour Finir Avec Le Jugement De Dieu (To Have Done with the Judgement of God), which itself deals with the problem of judgement, i.e. a mechanism inherently inscribed in every single form of representation. The essential question posed in this context is how to bring a mechanism of judgement to an end and thus liberate the body in Artaud’s concept of ‘body without organs’, which stands as the goal of Artaud’s entire utopian theatre project.
THE END explores the very matter which we imagine to inhabit a place beyond the borders of representation. It is a play about theatricality and even a rebellion against it. It is a performance questioning the limits of theatre, reason and judgement. It is a search for ways of opening a space of (artistic) freedom and madness in theatre, which in its expectance of the unexpected turns everything upside down. This performance is a rehearsal in presence, nonsense, idleness, slips of all shapes and sorts … and laughter. This performance is a dance turned upside-down.«
Mala Kline

Concept and execution: Mala Kline
Sound and music: Emilian Gatsov, Sašo Kalan
Scenic and light design: Lothar Baumgarte
Video: Guillaume Cailleau
Animation script, drawing, director: Izar Lunaček
Animation execution: Guillaume Callieau in Olivier Durand
Costume design: Svenja Gassen
Set requisites: Guillaume Cailleau in Grega Mohorčič
Technical director: Luka Curk
Technical assistance and tonea: Grega Mohorčič
Executive producer: Tamara Bračič Vidmar
Production: Bunker, Ljubljana
Co-production: O espaço do tempo, Linz09
The performance was created by the help of: Ministrstvo za kulturo RS, Mestna občina Ljubljana, Zavod Maska, Akademija umetnosti Novi Sad, Cultural Association YANVII.
The performance constitutes part of an international project OIsNotAcCompany.