Ann-Christin Berg Kongsness, Ingrid Berger Myhre: THE TUNNEL (work in progress)

August 17, 2014 8:00 pm

Photo: Lars Kristian Flemmen

The Tunnel is ultimately concerned with finding ways of bringing the body and the imagination closer to one another, through an immediate synaesthetic expression. The work can be seen as an attempt in mapping to which extent the representation of theatre can coincide with the presentation of bodies.

Everything that is done shapes and prepares for the coming instant and the choices it offers. Nothing is superfluous, everything is taken in consideration. The work proposes movement as a means of transportation, as a piece of labour or simply an unpretentious necessity in order to conquer the path ahead.

The progress of the travel could be compared to digging a tunnel, where the present moment and the retrospect are equaly important, by implicitly taking in consideration the history left behind as it is produced.

Concept and realisation: Ann-Christin Berg Kongsness, Ingrid Berger Myhre
Creative collaborators: Alex Zakkas, Lasse Passage
Consulting: Guy Dartnell, Codaspace Copenhagen 2013
Photo and video: Lars Kristian Flemmen
In collaboration with: Emanat, Bunker Ljubljana, Javni sklad RS za kulturne dejavnosti
Partners/residences: PAF, Le Pantographe, Stamm Studio, CSC Garage Nardini, Teatro Fundamenta Nuove, Dansehallerne, Scenehuset, CCN Montpellier
Financial support: Norwegian Arts Council

Free admission!