Sebastijan Horvat: MANIFEST K.

May 22, 2010 8:00 pm May 23, 2010 8:00 pm


»Capitalist relations have profoundly inscribed themselves in all relations of a man’s social symbiosis. Every theatre performance likewise emerges from the very horizon, which itself produces bourgeois economic relations. What remains to be answered then is if it is at all possible in the first place and, if so, how to disentangle oneself from the basic economy of a theatre performance, which places a spectator in a position of a coldblooded judge, distanced from a performance, where general boredom and intimate personal boredom overlap, leaving a spectator consoled with the pleasure of exteriority and with a feeling, which conveys presence of meaning.«
Sebastijan Horvat

Creative team: Sebastijan Horvat, Anja Bornšek, Aljoša Ternovšek, Manca Krnel, Andreja Kopač, Brane Grubar, Renata Vidić, Bine Skrt
In cooperation with: Tamara Bračič Vidmar, Maks Soršak, Igor Remeta, Danijela Grgić
Production: E.P.I. center
Co-production: Kulturno umetniško društvo MUKI
Sponsor: Založba Bogataj, Idrija


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