June 14, 2014 8:00 pm


The training project with duration of ten months in the area of multimedia art has instigated reflection, contemplation, exchange, new skills, creative ideas and the play on one’s own identity, resulting in the multimedia happening The Phantom of IdentityThe collage of performance, interactive intervention, video and less defined forms will provide the arena for a multiple role reversal on the axis performers/audience in order to bring this one-time here-and-now event to life amidst the blurred and at the same time also exposed role of stage (re)presentation. We dare to go forward with such experiment, bereft of any burden, not only because it involves a group of young people who bravely enter the precarious domain of contemporary art production, but also because it is impelled by the desire for unlimited exploration of identity-related obstacles within the minority paradigm – exposing in no way light-hearted issues that nevertheless often carry entertaining ambiguity.

Collaboratos: Urša Dubravica, Olja Grubić, Gaja Madžarević, Slobodan Malić, Ivana Mandarić, Yuliya Molina, Anja Prebil, Prabh Amar Deep Singh, Jernej Škof
Concept and facilitation: KITCH / Lana Zdravković and Nenad Jelesijević
Consulting: Bojan Jablanovec
Production assistant: Samo Selimović
Public relations: Urša Comino
Production: KITCH
In collaboration with: Bunker, Ljubljana

More information:

The project has been selected by the Public tender for development projects for raising the employment rate of the vulnerable populations in the domain of culture and for supporting their social inclusion under the European Social Fund for the period 2013 – 2014. The operation is part-financed by the European Union from the European Social Fund, the Operational Programme for Human Resources Development for the Period 2007-2013, the development priority Equal opportunities and promoting social inclusion, with a prioritized focus on Raising employment rate of the vulnerable populations in the domain of culture and for supporting their social inclusion.

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