Neven Korda: ECHOES

April 20, 2010 8:00 pm April 21, 2010 8:00 pm May 19, 2010 8:00 pm


»Great stories have passed. The past great stories have passed. The world collapsed into a multitude of fragments. Multitudes of fragments have passed. What comes is fear. What comes is dictatorship and confinement. What comes is the dreadful truth of slavery. Little vicious characters come to stand at the forehead of the armies of malice.« The drama performance Odmevi is a story of »fragments« related to human civilization, cruelty and violence, all in one embedded in the 20th century history. It is a story of uprooting and of the tearing out of historical memory, which in turn gives birth to the consistent erasure of human stories, true information and individual clusters of ideas. A fragmented world thus comes to open up in this context, which transforms the memory-unifying discipline into reality, the category of nomadism into necessity and complete deterritorialisation into the only possible freedom.

Author and director: Neven Korda
Dramaturgy: Andreja Kopač
Actors: Katjuša Kovačič, Sabina Schwenner, Anže Kreč, Urška Štrukelj, Sarah Al Saleh
Stage design: Tomaž Furlan
Lighting design: Davor Balent
Sound design: Brane Zorman
Video: Boštjan Čadež
Costume: Urška Recer
Make-up: Tina Lasič Andrejevič
Motion advisor: Igor Sviderski
Speech advisor: Maja Cerar
Graphic design: Lijana Veličković
Assistant for video: Jure Sajovic
Photography director: Matjaž Mrak
Executive producer: Marcela Okretič
Production: Aksioma – Institute for Contemporary Arts, Ljubljana, 2009
Co-production: institute Bunker, institute Zank