Razal Oklim Quartet: WHITE GRAVEL-STONES

May 8, 2014 8:00 pm

Photo: Matej Vidmar

The last time Milko Lazar was seen performing with his quartet (The Milko Lazar Quartet) was at the Jazz Cerkno Festival in 2006. And it was at this concert that recordings were made for his new CD. The Lazar jazz quartet became reunited once again in the beginning of this year and adopted the new name Razal Oklim Quartet. The authors will present their new CD entitled White Gravel-Stones with original compositions by Milko Lazar at the concert this May.

Performing: Primož Fleischman (soprano saxophone, bansuri), Matej Hotko (double bass), Aleš Rendla (percussions), Milko Lazar (piano)
Production: društvo Triola
In cooperation with the Jazz Cerkno Festival.

White Gravel-Stones is the first out of the three concerts to be held in the cycle Milko Lazar and Artists in Stara elektrarna.