Via Negativa/Primož Bezjak: INVALID

April 16, 2010 8:00 pm April 17, 2010 8:00 pm


Dance solo performance. »28th September 1990, Maribor General Hospital. A rock rolled up from beneath his feet and hit his left knee. « This is how Primož’s story about the injury of his knee begins, which in turn produced piles of diagnostic and therapeutic documentation and the epilogue of which remains unwritten. The solo performed by Primož thus narrates this story in terms of a metaphor, portraying a productive invalidism of the system, in which we live, work and create. An invalid system can prosper only with invalids – measuring its success in correlation with the number of injuries. One cannot succeed or exist in this system without getting his knees or elbows broken in the process.

Author and performer: Primož Bezjak
Author and director: Bojan Jablanovec
Choreography: Gregor Luštek
Music: Tomaž Grom
Production: Via Negativa
Producer: Špela Trošt