Milko Lazar in Zlatko Kaučič: AMBIENTS 2

March 11, 2014 8:00 pm

Photo: Matej Vidmar

The multifaceted instrumentalist Milko Lazar and the percussionist Zlatko Kaučič – both eminent Slovene musicians and laureates of the Prešeren Fund – have been creatively engaged with music in their respective professional domains for several years at home as well as abroad. They have joined forces in the project Ambients 2, a musical journey across the familiar as well as the untrodden landscapes of a musical expression that speaks the common language of improvisation. The search for new sound combinations and the profundity of musical expression as the result of diverse experiences by each of the musicians will be embedded with acoustic surprises.

“Their music once again establishes the musical navel, the original “sin” of the creative expression – it’s about inspiration, it’s about the thought and the narrative, it’s about a personal confession and, last but certainly not least, it’s about a concept that draws in the listener. One could almost claim that the two musicians have discovered a miraculous formula, leaving absolutely no space for doubts and second thoughts as music once again sips from the veins of pleasure and passion.” (Jože Štucin, 19. 11. 2013, Primorske novice)

Milko Lazar – piano and saxophone
Zlatko Kaučič – floor toms and percussion

Ambients 2 is the first out of the three concerts to be held in the cycle Milko Lazar and Artists in Stara elektrarna.