Jelena Rusjan, Kristina Gorovska, Tina Perić + Neja Tomšič: ŠKRIP INC.

Category: ,
February 18, 2014 8:00 pm February 19, 2014 8:00 pm

Jelena Rusjan_foto_Urska Boljkovac-1

Photo: Urška Boljkovac

Škrip Inc. is a theatre-musical staging that calls into question the consumerist society and manipulation of the masses by the market in a unique manner, »it is some sort of a brainwash that doesn’t leave any time to the audience to think about what it is watching. /… / Bombarding with various audio and visual effects is so intense that a spectator only gets time to breathe when the performance ends. The system that we live in functions in the same manner, leaving no space for an individual to ask himself what its needs and desires really are«. (Jelena Rusjan, Dnevnik, 12. 12. 2013)

Performers: Jelena Rusjan, Kristina Gorovska, Tina Perić + Neja Tomšič
Direction: Jelena Rusjan
Dramaturgy: Andreja Kopač
Consultant for Škrip Inc. propaganda: Zala Vidali
Music: Matija Dolenc
Video: Jure Lavrin
Sound design: Jure Vlahovič
Set design: Neža Jurman
Executive producer: Tina Dobnik
Production: Maska
Co-production: CUK Kino Šiška
In cooperation with: Bunker, Ljubljana

Ticket price: 7€ / 5 € (students, pensioners)