Jelena Rusjan, Kristina Gorovska, Tina Perić: ŠKRIP INC.

December 18, 2013 8:00 pm December 19, 2013 8:00 pm

Jelena Rusjan_SKRIP INC_ logo_Ajdin Bašić

Logo: Ajdin Bašić

When you can say what’s bothering you without fearing the subsequent loss of something. And disclose your secrets without feeling guilty about it. A place where you can be tied down, but free nevertheless. Where it’s you who counts and not the mistakes. That warm feeling that you’re amongst your people. Škrip Inc. Belief in magic is the dominating force in our lives. We strive for perfect pleasure, constantly and for ever. We struggle through the noise. The best things happen where we’re not present. We’re always late. We stopped thinking about who we are. We struggle through the noise. The best things happen where we’re not present. We’re always late. We no longer think about who we are. There is no time. What do we need? Škrip Inc. An important civilizational acquirement is work that enables survival and personal growth. If it turns into a profitable business on top of that, then we really have nothing to fear; the borders between art and life disappear automatically. And everyone can have their 15 minutes of fame. Everything functions incessantly and each of us will experience rebirth in the future. Škrip Inc.

Performers: Jelena Rusjan, Kristina Gorovska, Tina Perić
Direction: Jelena Rusjan
Dramaturgy: Andreja Kopač
Consultant: Zala Vidali
Music: Matija Dolenc
Video: Jure Lavrin
Sound design: Jure Vlahovič
Light design: Igor Remeta
Scenography: Neža Jurman
Executive producer: Tina Dobnik
Production: Maska
Co-production: CUK Kino Šiška
In cooperation with: Bunker, Ljubljana