Fičo Balet: PARODOS

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December 4, 2013 8:00 pm December 5, 2013 8:00 pm

Photo: Peter Uhan

“Parodos – the arrival of the antique urban choir on stage. What can be so important that the audience simply must see it, hear it and experience it?” (Goran Bogdanovski)

Impressions of the audience after the performance (Kralji ulice, September 2013):

“There are many ways, directions. But only one direction is our common one, HERE and NOW … this performance allows you to reach THAT moment. The beauty of bodies melts with motion.” (J. B.)

“I was fascinated by the expressivity of movement in the performance – even though very few words have been spoken, much has been said. It made me realize how redundant words can often be in communication. I didn’t quite “understand” the performance, but I felt it and experienced it.” (T. P.)

“The white basis of the stage reminded me of an empty canvas, where performers string up compositions with dance-acting fragments, resembling painted art. We see the floating images of Marc Chagall in the forefront. The solo dance act of the dancer with black hair also painted the silhouette of Frida Kahlo and her powerful feminine perspective.” (M. L. K)

Creative process and choreography: Goran Bogdanovski
Creation and realization: Manca Dorrer, Tea Vidmar, Janes Moličnik, Manca Kaliman, Samo Židan, Jakob Tomše, Tina Koščak, Sašo Rutar, Katja Kordiš
Lighting and space design: Igor Remeta, Goran Bogdanovski
Costumes: Maja Modrijan, Kulturno ekološko društvo Smetumet
Sound and selection of music: Goran Bogdanovski
Production: Fičo Balet
In cooperation with: Bunker, Ljubljana