November 28, 2013 8:00 pm November 29, 2013 8:00 pm November 30, 2013 8:00 pm

Bitnamuun_foto_Ines SimunicPhoto: Ines Simunić

“How to eat with open mouth?”
“Is the door the backside of space?”

“Is it possible to find safety in the space of Fear?”

Experimental performance of the movement collective Bitnamuun explores spaces in between. It is interested in spaces and states “in the midst of”. More precisely, it is interested in the ethics of movement between outside and inside, between one and the other side of the border, between the ceiling and the floor, between a “yes” and a “no”. The performance tries to evade the Western dialectic thinking, limited to social determination of space on one hand and its negation on the other. It therefore addresses the paradoxical and dogmatic nature of black-white perception of reality that society uses to ascribe simple meaning to phenomena. It demonstrates ways that are meant to empower an individual, since they introduce a wide range of unforeseen possibilities of action, practices and identity-melting to take place within conventions. The performance is set up as a performative journey that happens as a transgression between external space and the internal arena – between the stage and the space behind the scenes. The performers and the audience are in the constant state of travelling, where imaginative escapades take place to ascribe meaning to the space in between the extremes of the “public” and the “intimate”.

Realization: Bitnamuun
Performers: Alja Bulič, Tea Grahek, Urša Kanjir, Bernarda Kristan, Ines Šimunić, Andreja Vezovnik
Production: KUD Ponor
Supported by: danceCO

Text: Rok Grča
Sound design: Jaka Berger
Lighting design: Tomaž Štrucl
Graphic design: I&B
DanceCO support: Aleš Zorec
Executive production: Jasmina Založnik

Thanks to: Katja Florjanc, Jana Menger, Ivan Mijačević, Branko Potočan, Tini Rozman
Production: KUD Ponor
In cooperation with: Bunker, Ljubljana
Supported by: Mesta občina Ljubljana, Javni sklad za kulturne dejavnosti, Anna Lindh Foundation