SPARKS: Alen Prošić: Antichrist

Category: ,
November 5, 2013 9:00 pm November 6, 2013 9:00 pm

Photo: Sunčan Stone

Four years after Lars von Trier’s controversial film Antichrist, a theatre staging inspired by the film will be presented by hybridTheatre. This is yet another step of hybridTheatre in the direction of melting the old and the new forms of art into a format that is believed to be the foundation of contemporary theatre in the next 10 years to come. In its current search for the truth in Antichrist, hybridTheatre confronts the meaning of spiritual adventure in the current period of time and thus lures the spectator into a unique and magical world of mystics, beauty and fun. Or, in the words of Antichrist: “Come! I’ll take you in a world that you wouldn’t dare to enter on your own.”

Script and direction: Alen Prošić
Performers: Aleksandar Rajaković, Pia Zemljič, Marko Mandić
Costume design: Eric Matyash
Set design: Atelje Japelj (Fini kosi)
Music: Pier (RootsInSession)
Video: Vojdan Babunski
Make up: Nina Jordanovski
Sound design: Martin Lovšin
Technical assistance: Matej Ažman
Production: hybridTheatre
