La Pocha Nostra: CORPO INSURRECTO 3.0: The Robo-Proletariat

La_Pocha_Nostra_foto_Ivan_MarjanovićPhoto: Ivan Marjanović

October 10th at 8.00 p.m.

Once again drawing on their emblems – the “robo-baroque” aesthetics, the cyborg-kitsch and the poisonous humour – La Poche Nostre have produced their new performance CORPO INSURRECTO 3.0: The Robo-Proletariat as their latest experiment in “corporeal transformations”. Through the use of the aforementioned format and the ritual presentation of live art and live language, the performance melts together their new works with their classics, while re-questioning the existing global culture of far-right isolation, xenophobia, the violence of organized crime, the demolished economy and the influence these factors exert on a human body.

Authors: La Pocha Nostra (Guillermo Gomez-Peña, Erica Mott, Dani d’Emilia)
Production and organization: Mesto žensk, La Pocha Nostra