Imagine The Great Transition

June 22, 2013

Imagine 2020 and the New Economics Foundation present Imagine The Great Transition, a joint programme of commissions and events. The first event will take place in London (Toynbee Studios), and is jointly curated and organised by Artsadmin and LIFT as part of the Artsadmin Two Degrees Festival.

Aiming to engage European audiences with the ideas described in nef’s The Great Transition report, Imagine The Great Transition presents a series of new commissions, public events and workshops that will span over multiple events in nine European countries between June 2013 and December 2014. Each member of the Imagine2020 network will present films and performances in relation with The Great Transition ideas and host lectures and masterclasses by nef experts, as an event per se or in the context of existing festivals. Artists commissioned for new works include Janis Balodis, Rui Catalão, Pieter De Buysser, Curious Directive, Inua Ellams,Geheimagentur, Dette Glashouwer, The Institute for the Art and Practice of Dissent at Home, Ivan Marušić Klif, Katarina Stegnar, Amund Sjolie Sveen, Gonçalo Tocha, Mels van Zutphen, XTNT.

Building on the network’s interdisciplinary approach, this project will generate public discussions with artists, economists, politicians, philosophers, activists, community organisers and intends to develop new relationships at local and transnational levels.

Katarina Stegnar is the artist commissioned by Bunker, Ljubljana. She created the Lecture Performace Double game.