Mladibor Photo Exhibition: Mladibor Circle

November 14th at 5:00 pm – Opening of the Photo Exhibition
Exhibition will be open:
November 14th and 15th from 5:00 until 10:00 pm
November 16th from 6:00 until 10:00 pm

Mentor: Urška Boljkovac

The photo exhibition Mladibor Circle is a part of the project Mladibor, which was organised by Bunker in co-operation with five partner schools from Maribor: Prva and II. gimnazija Maribor, Primary School Gustav Šilih, Primary School Borcev za severno mejo and Primary School Franc Rozman – Stane.

Mladibor hosted three photo workshops by the acclaimed young art photographer Urška Boljkovac. The best photos of all young photographers participating at the workshop will be exhibited. The main theme was the identity of Maribor and with their photo oeuvres all participants are presenting how they understand the identity of their city.

The workshop was attended by primary and secondary school pupils of Mladibor schools: Maša Dvoršak, David Muster, Laura Muzek, Tina Rudolf, Tit Kovačič, Manuela Drevenšek, Metka Belcl, Nika Bobinski, Domen Flakus Bosilij, Eva Košar, Mak Jernej, Maša Drevenšek, David Letnik, Mojca Zidarič, Saša Brdnik, Nastja Jambrovic, Teja Želj Robnik, Sebastijan Pluščec, Domen Ulbl, Rok Šeško, Sara Stiplovšek, Nike Duh, Simon Štrucl, Marcel Hamer, Peter Weis and Timi Bračko.