Anita Wach, Bojan Jablanovec: OOPS

Category: ,
October 19, 2012 8:00 pm

“The historical project of the Enlightenment failed. Lights do not work at all.”

Oops is a solo dance performance enacted as a continuous “dialogue” between the dancer and the stage, which keeps questioning the meaning of the performer’s and its own existence. The stage takes on the role of a “dramatis personae”, addressing the audience and the dancer by way of a projected text: “I’m having trouble with the lights. I know I should turn them on any moment now. But I am afraid that this could be a mistake.”

Oops addresses the mechanism of the mistake, which acts as a noose from which there is no escape. For there is never just one mistake. It is always followed by an endless series of mistakes, until the need for change becomes too great. Life becomes an endless process of correcting mistakes, revolving around the repetition of one and the same mistake – to correct the mistake.

Conceived by: Anita Wach, Bojan Jablanovec
Performer and choreographer: Anita Wach
Concept, text and direction: Bojan Jablanovec
Technical manager and light: Janko Oven
Music: Jean-Baptiste Lully: Le Bougeois Gentilhomme (performed by Concert Des Nations, Jordi Savall), The Other Half: I need you (Randy Holden, Mike Port), Michael Praetorius: Dances from Terpsichore (performed by Ensemble Bourrasque, Bertil Färnlöf), Jean-Baptiste Lully: Musiques à Danser, à la Cour et à l’Opéra (performed by Les Talents Lyriques, Christophe Rousset), Johnny Thunder: I’m Alive (Pete Lucia, Tommy James)
Producer: Špela Trošt
Production: Art Stations Foundation Poznan, Via Negativa
Co-production: tanzhaus nrw Dusseldorf, DanceIreland Dublin
Supported by: Ministrstvo za izobraževanje, znanost, kulturno in šport, Mestna občina Ljubljana, Ministrstvo za kulturo in narodno dediščino Republike Poljske.
The project is part of the Modul-dance/EU Culture Programme.