August 25, 2012 9:30 pm

Saturday, August 25th at 9.30 pm
Amfiteater at the platform by the Slovene Etnographic Museum

The Italian performance group Motus succeeded in mesmerising audiences at last year’s Mladi levi festival with their captivating performance Too Late! of Brecht’s Antigone. As the embodiment of political theatre par excellence, Motus dauntlessly produces performances that poke you in the eye, allowing new and closer perspectives, while the virtuosic strength of the protagonists awakens and sobers up the audience. Borders between countries, historical events, art and social engagement are rendered null and void for Motus. Has there ever been a more appropriate time to stage Greek tragedies? There, on the streets of Greece, amongst protesters and graffiti, which seem more palpably real than the discredited media – that’s where you’ll find Motus. Have the stories of Greek heroes and their resistance against kings and authorities ever felt more relevant than in present-day society, stripped of all illusions as to what the future may hold?

Devised and directed by: Enrico Casagrande, Daniela Nicolò
Performing: Silvia Calderoni, Vladimir Aleksic, Benno Steinegger, Alexandra Sarantopoulou
In collaboration with: Michalis Traitsis, Giorgina Pilozzi
Assistant director: Nicolas Lehnebach
Dramaturgy: Daniela Nicolò
Video: Enrico Casagrande
Sound: Andrea Comandini
Music: Pyrovolismos sto prosopo,The boy
In the video: Nikos, Centro Libertario Nosotros, Stavros – član skupine/member of the band Deux ex machina
Lighting and set design: Enrico Casagrande,Daniela Nicolò
Technical director: Valeria Foti
Production: Motus, ERT Emilia Romagna Teatro Fondazione, Espace Malraux – Scéne Nationale de Chambéry et de la Savoie – CARTA BIANCA, programme Alcotra coopération France-Italie, Théâtre National de Bretagne/Rennes, Festival delle Colline Torinesi
Supported by: Rimini Provincial Administration, Emilia-Romagna Regional Administration, Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activity
Translation to Slovene: Janja Buzečan

70 minutes
The performance is in Italian with Slovene subtitles.

FREE tickets to all events but you can support our festival with voluntary contributions.
More information: +386 51 269 906,
Meeting point after the performances: DRUGA POMOČ, Šmartinska 3, 1000 Ljubljana
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