Janez Janša, Janez Janša, Janez Janša: THE MORE OF US THERE ARE, THE SOONER WE GET THERE

April 11, 2012 8:00 pm

The more of Us There Are, the Sooner We Get There is a documentary performance joining various opinions and views (from interviewees in the street to politicians, theoreticians and experts in the fields of contemporary art, law and many other social spheres) related to the questions of identity and identification, multitude and multiplication, name as an interface between the private and the public: personal name as a brand.
It is a walk through various stages and aspects of changing one’s name and its consequences (the public as well as the relational and the intimate ones), a research as to how, in the Western world, the concept of a personal name coincides with the question of a person’s identity (or differs from it). If we paraphrase Shakespeare’s Juliet: »Would a rose smell any different, if its name was Janez Janša?«

Authors: Janez Janša, Janez Janša, Janez Janša
Director and scriptwriter: Janez Janša, Janez Janša
Performer and documentarian: Dražen Dragojević
Programming and editing: Luka Dekleva
Sound designer: Sašo Kalan
Dramaturgy: Tina Dobnik
Camermans:Darko Herič, Matjaž Mrak
Translations: Maja Lovrenov and Jeremi Slak
Executive producer: Tina Dobnik
Production: Maska Ljubljana
Co-production: Brut Künstlerhaus Vienna, Aksioma