Nomad Dance Academy: SHORT CUTS

June 7, 2008 - June 8, 2008

Nomadska plesna akademija

The Nomad Dance Academy is a joint project by partner organisations from the South Eastern European region, with the aim of enabling education, promotion and cooperation within the field of contemporary dance and similar artistic forms. The project is created with the collaboration of six international organizations, which funds the programme and 12 scholarships according to their capabilities:

  • Tanzelarija (Bosnia and Herzegovina),
  • Brain Store Project (Bulgaria),
  • Tala Dance Center (Croatia),
  • Lokomotiva – Centre for New Initatives in Arts and Culture (Macedonia),
  • Station Service for Contemporary Dance (Serbia) in
  • Fičo Balet (Slovenia).

The educational process started on March 16th and will end on June 9th in Ljubljana, after the presentation. 14 young dancers and choreographers are travelling on the educational axis Skopje – Sophia – Belgrade – Zagreb – Piran, where they can attend workshops and lectures, meet local and international artists or theorists and are also allowed space for their own artistic research. Their journey will come to a close in Ljubljana, where they are going to present their short dance pieces. With the help of arts consultants and a local technical crew, they will create their “Short Cuts” at the end of their educational and creative process, and present them on two dance evenings on June 7th and 8th. Shorter events will take place in different venues in Ljubljana: Stara mestna elektrarna – Elektro Ljubljana, PTL, Gledališče Glej, DIC -Kreatorij, Rog; and in specific open air venues around the city. The performers and audiences will move from one event to another and so come closer to the concept of nomadism: nomads in search for artistic content.

More information about the project is available at

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