WORKSHOP – What kind of emissions do we leave behind?

Date: November 24th 2011
Place: II. gimnazija Maribor

Description: Workshop was done with pupils from Gymnasium and guided by Špela Kern from Umanotera, Slovenian organization for sustainable development.

Theme of the workshop was to discuss the environmental and ecological issues. The main theme of discussion and pragmatic example was CO2 emission analysis for the performance So far away-introduction to ego-logy. Special attention was on identifying with our impacts on the environment, measuring CO2 emissions – what does this represent, why and how can we reduce our CO2 emission with most effective solutions in our daily life.

Since ecology is a science which studies division and richness of living organisms and relationships among living beings and animate and inanimate surroundings we’ve exposed the questions – how is this affected from our point of view? We are those living human beings in relations to other living beings and animante and inamnimate surroundings. What kind of traces do we leave behind?

Workshop with pupils was very successful in terms of collaboration and finding solutions for the environment in the future and to learn the potentials we should practice in reducing our emissions.