Zvezdana Novaković, Nika Bezeljak: DIAGNOSIS

November 8, 2011 7:30 pm November 9, 2011 7:30 pm

live music experiment
Interactive performance at the crossroad between music and theatre

Ambiental type of research with a limited number of participants and unlimited musical boldness. Researchers are guided by the principle of simplicity, primal instinct, madness and popular avant-gardism. Minimal entry conditions for participants to take part in the experiment are the following: good psycho-musical shape, excellent concentration skills, the ability to distinguish between grey and white and, finally, the ability to stare above without losing balance…

The experiment will take place in a diagnostic space, where you will sit, stand or move around, depending on the requirements of various phases in the examination process. You will be notified of everything else by the expert staff at the venue. No special training required beforehand. However, Dr. Novaković strongly advises you to thoroughly clean your eyes a day before the experiment: listening to the car radio or classical music concerts is strongly prohibited; one should especially avoid any encounters with opera music from Classicism and early Romanticism as well as the Titanic theme song. If you already attended a similar type of examination before, we kindly ask you to bring along your opinions, criticisms, compliments and, most of all, open eyes, ears and hearts. On the other hand, should you attend an examination of this sort for the first time, we would like to inform you that there is no need to be afraid: you should simply come in a relaxed mood and have faith in good taste, professionalism and excellence of performers. Please come on time or slightly earlier than scheduled, take off your earrings and wait for the start.

Author: Zvezdana Novaković
Director: Nika Bezeljak
Composers: Zvezdana Novaković, Izidor Leitinger
Performers: Zvezdana Novakovič, Miha Bezeljak, Matija Stipanić, Anush Apoyan, Howard Curtis, Matic Črešnik
Adviser for movement: Nina Pertot
Costume design: Belinda Radulović
Video: Matej Modrinjak
Designer and adviser: Sanja Budisavljević
Web application: Patricija Valentinuzzi, Miha Rebernik
Production: Zavod za Vizualno kulturo Agregat
In cooperation with: Stage Song Review, Lutkovno gledališče Maribor