Marko Mandić, Via Negativa: MANDIĆSTROJ

September 6, 2011 8:00 pm September 7, 2011 8:00 pm

Solo performance by Marko Mandić.

Actor as a machine for production of emotions, actor as a medium of identification, actor as a body of fascination… In about one hour Marko runs over his body 37 roles (authentic creations from theatre performances he made in the period 1996 – 2010) in order to stage the core of an actor, which is impossible to reduce to the role. Presented dramatic characters retain their physical characteristics, the original texts, stage speech, typical situations and, where possible, including original costumes, props and musical equipment. Compilation does not follow the chronology of their creation. MandićMachine is a final part of the Mandić trilogy (Extract Mandić, Viva Mandić, MandićMachine)

Conceived and devised by: Marko Mandić and Bojan Jablanovec
Performed by: Marko Mandić
Direction and set: Bojan Jablanovec
Light and stage: Igor Remeta
Costumes, props and music used in MandićMachine originate from performances, where possible, in which Marko originally created his roles. We thanks to SNG Drama Ljubljana for rentals and help.
Producer: Špela Trošt
Production: Via Negativa, Via Nova performance series 2011, with the support by Ministry of Culture of RS and the City of Ljubljana.