Katja Konvalinka, Natasha Bogojevich: Ex/odus of Joy

June 30, 2019 8:00 pm

Ex/odus of Joy is a musical‑theatre fresco, an attempt to create a dialogue between the orchestra and the actress. The interweaving of Migration Waltz by Natasha Bogojevich with interpreted diary monologues and author’s alter ego (singer Katja Konvalinka) poses questions of migration and freedom, creation, the surplus, and the position of women in modern society. The definition of (international) migration can be found in the Resolution on the migration policy of the Republic of Slovenia: as free migration of individuals, as forced migration, and as illegal migration. Ex/odus of Joy puts border crossings in a wider context.

Director: Eva Hribernik

Dramatization and addicional text: Maja Gal Štromar

Music: Natasha Bogojevich

Conductor: Jelena Susnick

Actress: Maja Gal Štromar

Singer: Katja Konvalinka

Men’s voice: Mitja Simič and Logan Susnick

Musicians: Milko Jurečič (violin), Katarina Kozjek (cello), Luka Železnik (flute), Urška Sikovšek (clarinet), Darja Mlakar Maležič (piano), Iztok Kocen (corepetitor)

Scenography and costume design: Nastja Mezek

Tone processing and recordings: Logan Susnick 

Producer: Slovensko komorno glasbeno gledališče

Producer: Katja Konvalinka

Co-production: AMANART – Zavod za kulturne dejavnosti in KUD Theatrum Mundi

In cooperation with: BUNKER LJUBLJANA, SNG Opera in balet Ljubljana 

illustration: Nastja Mezek


Tickets: 10 EUR, 7 EUR (students, seniors)
Information and booking: info@bunker.si, 0386 51 269 906