Jana Menger, Rok Vevar: LOAD MEASURERS

April 22, 2019 8:00 pm April 23, 2019 8:00 pm

The performance Load Measurers presents a series of relational choreographic situations, based on rhythmical, spatial, physical and kinetic interdependencies of the dancers. Even in the cases when the dance material becomes independent, there is always some other body imprinted on it. Or at least on its space. Our body is never a whole, but rather the multitude, or the consequence, the outcome and the possibility of various quantities and relations with time, space, other bodies, and movements.

Choreography: Jana Menger
Dramaturgy: Rok Vevar
Dance: Veronika Valdes, Tajda Podobnik, Tini Rozman, Maša Hawlina, Neža Blažič, Neja Jeršin, Špela Šafarič, Andreja Vezovnik, Manca Kaliman
Music: Matevž Kolenc
Lightning design: Andrej Hajdinjak
Premiere: 12th January 2019
Produced by: Flota, zavod, Murska Sobota, Flota, Ljubljana
Co-produced by:: Bunker, Ljubljana
With help of: Ministry of Culture of Republic of Slovenia, City Municipality Ljubljana
Phto: Špela Bergant

Tickets: 10 EUR, 7 EUR (students, seniors)

Information and reservation: info@bunker.si, +386 51 269 906