Image Snatchers

April 17, 2019 9:00 pm

Technoburlesque is a mute comedy of the body that mocks rigidity of social roles. It uncritically appropriates, copies and glues together femininity, masculinity, family relationships, machismo and other degenerated social roles that are unrighteous considered normative. When Image Snatchers totally expose themselves — and remove their social dresses layer by layer — they do not find the essence, but realise that the essence is nothingness, and the performed travesties opium that makes living bearable. This amusing play in cross-dressing and their behaviour are a result of great sexual and bodily liberation from social bands. Satisfied in eclectic noise of media images they stretch popular snapshots and bite them to their unheard-of forms that provoke burst of laughter or despair.

Image Snatchers don’t seek for meaning but pleasure. As pleasure is the hedonistic polish with which they smeared everyday objects and made something exceptional out of them. Techno-burlesque is an intersection of (program/cybernetic) code and subjectivity; laying bare the physical and emotional body indivisibly bound up with the information matrix of contemporaneity.

For this edition of Syndicate of Outlandish Entities they are preparing a special program with pop sweets and evergreen highlights.

Image Snatchers is a regularly held, modular, always surprising, and never the same art-social event, constituted collectively by members of the group Feminalz. This burlesque collective is working under the patronage of Emanat Institute from 2013 onward. The core is composed of a permanent group of performers while they also frequently invite other outlandish guests to join them. In six years of existence they created over 50 acts, in every show they use successful strategies of appropriation and recycling to deliver a brand new experience.


Creators and Performers: Feminalz
Costumes: Urška Recer
Make-up: Tina Prpar
Selection of Music: Feminalz
Original Music: Luka Prinčič
Lighting Designer: Janko Oven
Video: WNDV

Photo: Nada Žgank

Production: Emanat
Image Snatchers were created in collaboration with Club Gromka and Maska Institute and received financial support by Municipality of Ljubljana and Ministry of Culture of RS.
Organised by: Emanat

Duration: 75 minutes
Language: Slovene, English, etc
Tickets: 7 € / 5 € (students)
Booking and information:, +386 51 269 906
