Irena Tomažin Zagoričnik: MOVED BY VOICE

March 2, 2019 8:00 pm

Moved by Voice by Irena Tomažin Zagoričnik is always somewhere else; always somewhere at the other dividing line between the body, voice and space. In this project, the author and her collaborators undertake a study of the various sources of voice, its flesh, its materiality and spirituality, and scrutinize its meaning and place in everyday life. What happens when the will of the cultivated flesh slackens and permits the presence of the Voice, disburdened of the dichotomy between subject and object, culture and nature, the individual and the social, between the vulnerable body and the power of performance, to grow out of the cautious and delicate space/flesh? How to let the Voice come out as listening to the sound space inside and outside of the individual and collective body? It is the proximity of the place where the voice enters that seem strangely alien because we are oblivious and alienated from our innermost flesh.

Irena Tomažin Zagoričnik (1979) graduated in philosophy. She works and creates in the field of theatre and performance, as well as in experimental improvised music. She authored six performances, which received various awards: her As a Rain Drop into the Mouth of Silence (2008) received a special mention of the jury for promising choreographer at the 2008 Gibanica Festival, and The Taste of Silence Always Resonates (2015) won the best performance award at in 2015. Tomažin Zagoričnik has released several independent music albums, is a member of Borghesia music group and works as a coauthor. She tours around the world as a vocalist with her solo project iT. Her compositions for gestures and voice have been published in the books by Mathieu Copeland and performed in Geneva, Paris and Madrid. She regularly hosts voice workshops in Ljubljana and abroad.

Concept: Irena Tomažin Zagoričnik
Performed and co-created by: Adriana Josipović, Nika Rozman, Irena Tomažin Zagoričnik, Nataša Živković
Dramaturgy: Barbara Korun
Sound space: Tomaž Grom
Lighting design and management: Urška Vohar
Costumes: Mateja Fajt
Design and photography: Hanna Juta Kozar / Tomaž Šantl
Photography : Nada Žgank
Executive production: Sabina Potočki
Production: EMANAT
Coproduction: Sploh
Partners: Bunker and SMEEL
Duration: 55–60 min
Tickets: 7 EUR, 5 EUR (under 25, over 65 and self-employed)
Booking and information:, 00386 51 269 906

Photo: Nada Žgank

Performance will be followed by Awards Ceremony – GIBANICA 2019 and KSENIJA HRIBAR Awards at 9.30 p.m. in the Old Power Station.