November 25, 2018 8:00 pm

Concept and directing: Maja Dekleva Lapajne
Performers: Alenka Marinič, Christoph Jungmann, Ladislav Karda, Lee White, Matthieu Loos, Michaela Puchalková, Peter Frankl, Sara Šoukal, Vanda Gabrielova, Vid Sodnik
Music: Goran Završnik, Hannu Risku
Lights: Borut Cajnko

At the bitter-sweet end of the festival all ensemble members and the audience meet one last time. This time after days of intense work – performances, rehearsals, workshops, discussions and evening get-togethers. Many a word has been said but not every word. A lot has happened and yet certain possibilities are still up in the air. Many a wish has been fulfilled, yet some have not even been expressed yet. At the final festival performance visiting artists will have an opportunity to express their wishes regarding what they still desire to experience on this stage with this particular cast and with this particular audience in this particular space and time.  The rest will do their best to fulfil these wishes. It’s now or never.

Tickets: 5 EUR.
Ticket booking and information:, 00386 51 269 902
The performance is in English.