November 19, 2018 12:00 am

Concept and directing: Michaela Puchalková
Performers: Christoph Jungmann, Julie Doyelle, Ladislav Karda, Matthieu Loos, Sara Šoukal, Tomaž Lapajne Dekleva, Vanda Gabrielova
Music: Goran Završnik
Lights: Borut Cajnko

A childhood in the 1970s Prague was quite different from a childhood in West Berlin. Growing up in Ljubljana in the 80s was quite different than growing up on the border between Germany and France. Then those childhoods, when they are no longer childhoods but deep memories and key components of adults, meet at a festival in one of small European cities. They compare each other, laugh and cry at their fundamental differences and their eternal familiar similarities, process each other and take the stage.

Within the Our Lives project, Michaela Puchalková focuses on life’s milestones. Working with an international cast she has been developing methods of translating personal memories into stage material. The source of inspiration is very individual and intimate for each perfomer, but when it is translated into a physical stage situation it becomes a playground for collective processing. In her performance at the Naked Stage, Mihaela Puchalková continues her exploration of working with personal memories in an international aspect, but this time she focuses exclusively on childhood.

Tickets: 5 EUR (per performance), 8 EUR (for both performances of the evening)
Ticket booking and information:, 00386 51 269 902
The performance is in English.