Lana Zdravković / Kitch: No.1

October 6, 2018 10:00 pm

No. 1 is bold. She defies the dominant logic of factuality, counting and recounting that is backgrounded in economy, law-regulation, and marketing of the dominant dispositive of anti-politics. No. 1 is arrogant. She knows that resistance in those circumstances can only be collective, even though she knows very well that the quality of multitude depends on the quality of an individual. No.1 is rude. By constantly working on herself she affirms the gesture of emancipatory subjectivation that refuses the counting logic and reveals a scandalous fact:  politics is based on “incorrect” counting that opens the space of absence of any governance. No. 1 is dangerous as she is self-conscious. No. 1 is human as she is artificial. No. 1 is the one as she is the multitude.

Tickets: 10 EUR, 7 EUR (študentje, upokojenci/students, seniors)

Produced by: Kitch in collaboration with City of Women

Supported by: City municipality of Ljubljana

Foto: Nada Žgank