The beginnings of the first choir of this sort in Slovenia – Complaints Choir of Ljubljana, go back to Finland in 2005. While taking a walk one gloomy winter day, Tellervo and Oliver Kochta Kalleinen started pondering upon the phenomena of complaining in relation to how much energy this demands of a person and whether this activity might perhaps be transformed into something rather more positive. ‘Chorus of complaints’ is an expression in Finnish language that denotes situations in which several people are complaining at the same time, so the two authors decided to apply the term literally. Thus conceived project spread throughout the world immediately after the first Complaints Choir took place in Birmingham.

A little more than two years later Complaints Choir of Ljubljana started to emerge under the framework of kud Obrat (in cooperation with Bunker and P.A.R.A.S.I.T.E) and loudly introduced itself in public for the first time under the watchful eye of producer Urška Jurman and musical guidance of Tomaž Grom in the Prešernov trg Square in 2008.

The choir performed for the second time in a slightly altered cast of performers and sang its complaints away in the framework of The Mladi Levi Festival. The performance consisted of three parts: it began in the Dvorni trg Square, grew in intensity during a stopover at the Prešernov trg Square and finally ended in the final cry at the Town Square!

The vocal cords were jointly shaken by: Ana Ličina, Andrej Godec, Ksenija Krstič, Bor Pungerčič, Alenka Zelenc, Polona Dominik, Nataša Knežević, Radmila Bojkovska, Ana and Tadej Lakner, Larisa Bračič, Maja Mujdrica, Marija Drev, Saša Hiti, Natalija Pihler, Kristjan Kravina, Mojca Golob, Alenka Gložančev, Suzana Kajba, Sanda Velić, Robert Lisac, Ana Petrovčič, Marinka Skorjak, Polonca Lovšin, Ana Hace, Liljana Jerinić, Saša Bach, Pika Brce, Nevenka Koprivšek, Alma Selimović, Tamara Bračič and Katarina Slukan.

The drums of Marjan Stanić took care of the rhythm and voice strength.

Complaints Choir of Ljubljana is a member of the international Complaintschoir network.


April 2008
Ljubljana, festival Mladi levi, 26th August 2008

Zbor Pritožb from Toni Poljanec on Vimeo.


August 2008, photo: Urška Boljkovac