11. KLOVNBUF – international festival of contemporary clownfest and new circus

June 19, 2018 8:00 pm June 20, 2018 8:00 pm June 21, 2018 6:00 pm

June 18–21  

Fools and freaks – holders of a special form of living, which is at the same time real and ideal – find themselves at the frontiers of life and art, as they are not merely freaks or fools in the literal sense, nor they are only comedians‑actors playing their roles.

»It is laughter alone that has no respect for any taboo, […], it is only the sense of comedy that carries the power to help us deal with the tragedy of existence.« Jan Kott

Compagnia LeggeRa: What? Where? When?
Tuesday, June 19th, 8 p. m. Prepremiere of Zavod Bufeto’s festival production.
Wednesday, June 20th, 8 p. m. Premiere of Zavod Bufeto’s festival production.
@ Old Power Station

Tjaž, Zynthia and Aurora are graduates of the Vertigo circus school from Turin. The piece What? Where? When? is their first project. Sometimes separately, sometimes collectively, they are about to face their dreams. Everyday objects will open the door of imagination – chairs will walk, blankets will come alive and pillows will fly. While juggling and doing acrobatics on the floor and high up, the most intimate aspects of their lives will reveal themselves to the audience. Just don’t take them too seriously. They don’t either.

The performance on Tuesday 19th is followed by a talk with dramaturge Andreja Kopač about the phenomenon of new circus.

photo: Drago Videmšek

Ilmatila: Mualla/Elsewhere
Thursday, June 21st, 6 p. m.
@ Old Power Station

Muualla/Elsewhere explores the possibilities of combining animation, circus and dance in a live performance context. The interaction between the performer and the animation enables a dialogue between the real and the virtual world. Ilmatila are circus artist Ilona Jäntti and animator and  architect Tuula Jeker. The company have been performing at dance and circus festivals since 2009.

A day prior to the workshop, Ilona Jäntti is going to lead a masterclass workshop of vertical rope at Fourklor Plac, Parmova 25. Application & information: bufeto.info@gmail.com

photo: Chiarra Contrino

Branko Potočan & Fourklor: Take your time
Thursday, June 21st, 7 p. m.
@Metelkova museum platform

The dancers and other performers are taking this dance-theatre piece onto the street to meet the passers-by face to face. A classic walkabout principle of street theatre while inviting the observers to take a break, a rest … supported by a unique cabaret-style prop manipulation. The piece is transmitting the importance of a much-needed rest through action itself. Take your time.

photo: Drago Videmšek


Tickets: 6€ for individual performance, 10€ for all tree erformances.
Information and reservation: infovbunker.si, 00 386 51 269 906
More information and festival programme: zavodbufeto.com and on FB.