Jurij Konjar: HABITAT

June 15, 2018
2:00 pm - 5:00 pm

June 11–16

Habitat is the name for a temporary structure of the working environment, which is continually emerging according to the needs and actions of those present. The first Habitat took place in Athens in 2014, then in Barcelona in 2016, it is Ljubljana’s turn in June 2018, and following will be Naples in October the same year.
Habitat is a workspace created by those present with their work. We work side by side and/or observe each other at work, enhancing our practices on the one hand, and on the other hand practicing being present while observed. We observe the impact of our actions on the (working) environment, in order to allow others to work, too. Through coexistence, respect for the working environment, and – above all – through the work process itself, conditions needed by those present are being established.
This workspace is open to everyone. Why should everyone work behind their four walls, if we can work together, side by side?

On Friday, June 15, from 2 p.m.–5 p.m. the doors will be open for everyone interested.
Admission free.
More information: email@jurijkonjar.com

Photo: Jurij Konjar