Zvokotok – Drago Ivanuša: RAISING OF THE VOICE

February 24, 2018 8:00 pm
Zvokotok is a concert-project by the composer and pianist Drago Ivanuša, with voice as the starting point.
In his book “About Voice”, the Slovenian philosopher Mladen Dolar says:
“Even in isolation, in complete solitude, far from the cramped crowd, we are not free of voices; perhaps other types of voice may appear at that time, more binding than all other voices: an inner voice that can not be silenced.”

Are we still hearing the inner voice? Does the noise of today’s world definitely beat silence? What does the inner voice say? Are our decisions, our opinions, our understanding of the world and our purity depend on whether we truly hear ourselves, is that why we can be more genuine and good? Through the music of Drago Ivanuša, with great performers, we approach this mysterious moment, when we can hear our inner voice.

Drago Ivanuša – piano
Anja Novak – voice
Lola Mlačnik – marimba, percussion
Tomaž Grom – double bass, electronics
Borut Steel – sound
Andrej Hajdinjak – light
Produced by: Zavod Sploh

Tickets: 10 EUR, 7 EUR (students, seniors)
Information and reservation: info@bunker.si, +386 51 269 906