16th festival DRUGAJANJE

November 27, 2017 7:00 pm - November 30, 2017 9:00 pm

For the sixteenth consecutive year, Festival Drugajanje will make an effort to address Maribor and the youth of Maribor. The original idea remains: to bring to Maribor engaged contemporary performing art which will speak to the youth. In the past decade and a half, the festival retained, but also upgraded, its original mission. Over the past years, we have been trying to address young people as viewers and as creators and to make them brim with enthusiasm for the stage. The festival has also developed in terms of production – this year, no less than 3 out of 4 performances will be (co-)produced by the festival, and most of them are international.

This year’s Drugajanje is addressing young people (and everyone else) with superbly elaborate performative processes that grab hold of a viewer and don’t let him surrender to the comfort of his seat in the dark. It was already Brecht who resisted the interpretation of art as a mirror to society. He thought of art as a hammer with which one shapes the world – whereas this year’s performances use art more as a means to see the world from a different perspective, to try to find the basis for solutions, for other interpretation, but at the same time, to mischievously stick our tongues at it!

Alma R. Selimović
Executive Producer, Drugajanje festival
Bunker, Ljubljana


Since 2012, Festival Drugajanje has been part of the network Festivals in Transition, a cooperation between thirteen festivals that, within the framework of their Urban Heat project, strive to artistically explore and examine relationships between the arts, the city and its invisible communities.


27th November at 7pm

Second Gymnasium amphitheatre

EnKnapGroup & Nature Theater of Oklahoma: PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS 

→ The performance is followed by a talk with the authors.

28th November ob at 6pm and 9pm

Central Railway Station, Maribor


29th November at 4pm, 6pm and 8pm

Narodni dom Maribor


 30th November at 3pm and 7pm

Salon of Applied Arts


29th Novembre at 9pm

Salon of Applied Arts

Our plans for the midweek? RocketPlans!

  Culture Camp – Theater Playground 2.0
  Urban Heat

Organized by:
BUNKER, zavod za organizacijo in izvedbo kulturnih prireditev, Ljubljana; Director: Nevenka Koprivšek
The Second Gymnasium, Maribor; Headmaster: Ivan Lorenčič
Programme and executive production: Alma R. Selimović
Artistic Consulting: Mojca Jug
Produced by: Tajša Perović
Public Relations: Tamara Bračič Vidmar
Technical Director: Igor Remeta
Technical Coordinator: Jani Kancler
Technology: Andrej Petrovčič, Duško Pušica
Catalogue Editor: Alma R. Selimović
Proofreading: Irena Androjna Mencinger
Translation: Tadej Turnšek
Corporate Design: DrugaOblika
Drugajanje was made possible by: Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia / MOL – Mestna občina Ljubljana / Urban Heat/FIT – Festivals in transition/international network / EU programme Creative Europe
This project is funded by the European Commission.
The content  is solely the responsibility of the author and it in no way represents the views of the European Commission.
Partners: Slovenske železnice, Nagib na oder, Narodni dom Maribor, Moment, Prestopi, Salon uporabnih umetnosti, GT22

Tickets for the festival are free of charge, reservations and information at info@bunker.si.

Exception: tickets for The First Altruistic Performance – tickets sold by Narodni dom Maribor: 6 EUR, 5 EUR (pupils, students, pensioners, self‑employed in culture), free (unemployed): vstopnice@nd-mb.si

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