Darja Demšar, Neža Žehelj: FETUS

May 4, 2011 8:00 pm May 5, 2011 8:00 pm

This interactive performance explores the status of the fetus in the womb, as well as our current creativity while belonging to an infinite space in the universe. The installation builds an illusion of an organic space, created through video projections and the setting up of a huge womb with a floating man inside. The sound exploration creates atmospheres, which host the dancer in her travels through her feelings and thoughts in relation to the fetus.

Direction, production: Neža Žehelj, Darja Demšar
Movement: Katja Legin, Blaž Kavčič
Sound: Neža Naglič, Žiga Pucelj
Photo: Klemen Lazarevič
Video: Boštjan Čadež, Jaka Batič, Klemen Lazarevič, Urška Domevšček, David Trček, Neža Žehelj
Scenic design: Darja Demšar
Visualization: Klemen Lazarevič
Technical director: Igor Remeta