Matjaž Farič: Synesthesia

October 27, 2017 8:00 pm

Opus of performances:

  • Red-Trail, original solo dance performance
  • Synesthesia, dance performance
  • The Man Who Tasted Shapes, theatre performance


The opus Synesthesia was created on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the artistic work of choreographer, director and dancer Matjaž Farič. In his solo, dance performance and theatre performance, the author explores the phenomenon of synesthesia, when sensory perception occurs simultaneously through several senses, and a sound can also have a taste, a smell can have a color, flavors have their shapes, etc.

In a single evening, we will have a chance to see all three performances in one,  which probe the phenomenon of synesthesia from different angles, from aesthetics to ethics.

Choreography and direction: Matjaž Farič

Klemen Janežič
Iztok Drabik Jug
Tomaž Gubenšek

Kaja Janjič,
Jerca Rožnik Novak,
Kristina Rozman,
Urša Rupnik,
Leon Marič
Matjaž Farič

Based on The Man Who Tasted Shapes Richarda E. Cytowica.
Dramaturgy: Staša Bračič
Costumography: Sanja Grcić
Video: Jure Lavrin, Matjaž Farič
Music: Riccardo Brosci, Nicola Porpora, Radian, Janelle Monae, Aleksander Skrjabin, Samo Kutin in Iztok Koren
Light design: Zoran Grabarac, Igor Remeta
Producers: Urška Pleše, Ksenija Kaučič, Silvija Horvat
Special thanks to: Richard E. Cytowic MD, MFA, Rex Kralj d.o.o.
Production: Flota, Ljubljana in Flota, zavod, Murska Sobota
Coproduction: Bunker Ljubljana
Supported by: Mestna občina Ljubljana in Ministrstvo za kulturo

Photo: Flota’s archive

Tickets: 10 EUR, 7 EUR (students, seniors)
Resertvation and information:, 00386 51 269 906