Beton Ltd. on a tour

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Beton Ltd. was on a tour with the performance Ich kann nicht anders:
October 5 and 6: Prague Crossroads International Theatre Festival, Prague, Czech Republic
October 10 and 11: Festival Konfrontacje Teatralne Lublin, Poland

The Beton Ltd. collective is always tackling problems of the contemporary world with much self-reflection and humour, with innovative performing practices and methods. Ich kann nicht anders is their fifth performance.

“Ich kann nicht anders leaves an impression of staging some fundamental existential fear, powerlessness and the feeling of uneasiness that still remain with the spectator after the performance ends. The form of the performance is built on the dramatic, and is based on the excellent acting skills of the three authors/actors/performers … “ Nenad Jelesijević, Radio Študent

More about the performance.

Ich kann nicht anders Trailer from Bunker Ljubljana on Vimeo.

Video by: Gregor Gobec

Photo: Toni Soprano