Club Fisk: FORESTILLINGER (Denmark)

What happens to us and to our understanding of an artistic work when it is all explained in advance? Will it still surprise us?

Forestillinger is a short and exhilarating performance that revolves around two dancers, two changes of clothes, two marker pens, a flip-chart and a detailed explanation of the show and its underlying structure. The work of Club Fisk has a liberating sense of humour, combined with a healthy dose of Scandinavian minimalism. This is an Aerowaves Encore invitation, back by popular demand from 2009.

Initiation, concept, direction: Kasper Daugaard Poulsen
Concept, performance: Anette Asp Christensen, Mari Matre Larsen
Concept, dramaturge: Christine Fentz
Light design: Thomas Bendiksen and Kasper Daugaard Poulsen
Funded by: The Danish Arts Council, The Municipality of Århus and Danseværket
Produced by: Club Fisk
Co-produced by: Dansescenen, Copenhagen

20 min