Koncentrat/ Rafal Dziemidok: FLOE (Poland)

Floe is a kind of choreographic show-and-tell: Rafal Dziemidok explains his process – two types of flow (lilting, staccato) combine with two variables (fast/slow, up/down) producing eight types of phrase – and then demonstrates it. But what is fast? And what is slow? And just what is this something he knows about love? Between times, he muses on meanings, memory and music – all affably delivered with a wry self-consciousness which needs no commentary.

Koncentrat is a trio of Polish artists working across disciplines. With this piece, they invited the artistic collaboration of Swiss choreographer Nicole Seiler whose company first toured abroad through Aerowaves in 1995.

Choreography and dance: Rafał Dziemidok
Lights:Ewa Garniec
Space, music: Koncentrat
Artistic and conceptual co-operation: Nicole Seiler
Produced by: Cultural Practitioners’ Association, Central Artistic Basin, C/U festival
Production manager: Krystyna Kozioł
Co-financed by: Swiss Foundation for Culture Pro Helvetia, The Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, Warsaw City

40 min