Via Negativa: THE NINTH

May 15, 2017 8:00 pm 8:00 pm May 16, 2017 8:00 pm 8:00 pm

Photo: Madster

Galloping through the Beethoven’s Ninth. From absolutism to socialism … From defeatism to optimism … From populism to vulgarism … Welcome to the house of humanism.

“Half men, half horses. Performers who think horses. Five naked performers sitting in chairs, galloping. The Ode to Joy echoing from the speakers. A magnificent sight.” Jedrt Jež Furlan, Fokuspokus

“A dance of five bodies is a virtuoso piece, yet highly reduced, which provides it with semantic power and extracts its expressive, trash-sublime quality.” Nenad Jelesijević, Radio Študent

“With the sublime sounds of the symphony and verses of Ode to Joy in the background, we are witnessing an unrelenting slaughter of everyone Non-human, everyone who is not our kind, everything which is not Us.” Hanna Raszewska,

Conceived and devised by the group.

Performers: Loup Abramovici, Grega Zorc, Jaka Lah, Anita Wach, Magdalena Tuka Concept and direction: Bojan Jablanovec
Choreographic supervision: Anita Wach
Music: Ludwig van Beethoven, Symphony No. 9, Herbert von Karajan, Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, 1983
Horse masks: Barbara Stupica
Light design: Igor Remeta
Video: Ana Čigon
Stage manager: Igor Remeta
Producer: Špela Trošt
Production: Via Negativa
Co-producer: JaJaJa NeNeNe Association Warsaw
Partners: Bunker Ljubljana / A Part Festival Katowice / Fundacja Ciało/Umysł Warsaw
The project is supported by the City of Ljubljana and Ministry of Culture and National Heritage of the Republic of Poland.

70 min

Information and ticket reservation:
Tickets: 10 eur, 7 eur (students, seniors)