Teja Reba and Loup Abramovici: 650 EXPERIENCES (history of the body not yet stolen)

January 22, 2011 7:00 pm January 23, 2011 7:00 pm January 24, 2011 7:00 pm

“Toward the dying woods, toward the dying dance, toward light, toward death and toward nothingness”.
Tatsumi Hijikata
Teja Reba’s successful project Between Us (in co-authorship with Leja Jurišić) is followed by her research for the new performance, informed by the artistic legacy of Tatsumi Hijikata.

Concept: Teja Reba
Authors: Teja Reba, Loup Abramovici
Dramaturgic consulting: Petra Veber
Set design, lighting design: Petra Veber
Technical director: Igor Remeta
Executive producer: Žiga Predan
Production: Exodos Ljubljana
Co-production: Maska Ljubljana